Saturday, October 22, 2011

Pets Picture Spam

There are nearly 100 pictures in this posts from my adventures with Pets thus far - you've been warned. :P


  1. Wow! Pets looks amazing! You are so lucky you have it! I just have to wait 6 days.. I hope. ;P

  2. Have you got any of your pets up for download? (if you haven't already got them up for download could you put them up?) They are all incredibly gorgeous, I wish i had your that kid of creativity!

  3. Freaking adorable!! I love the pictures of the girl riding the horse in her underwear the most, though--like, seriously? XDD LOL.

  4. Wonderful pics, thanks for sharing them!

    I think us we've forgotten just how adorable and enjoyable Pets really was in TS2. I'll be installing my copy very soon. ;)
